ITBS Information Technology Business Solutions Corporation is 100% all-Filipino systems developer and integrator of the Smart Country Ecosystem with offices in Japan, Pampanga, Manila, Cebu, and Cotabato City providing end-to-end solutions for government and private institutions.
Our expertise and competence were honed over the years in the areas of Command and Control Center (C3) retrofitting, telemetry, systems/apps development, drone technology, field instrumentation and fabrication. As an end-to-end systems developer and integrator with support located in the major areas of the country, we do not leave anything to chance but take full responsibility for the successful implementation of the systems. This is what sets us apart from some of the world’s best.
Over a period of 10 years with hundreds of thousands of manhours focused on Research & Development, we have developed and copyrighted the ITBS Smart Country Ecosystem (ITBS SCE) with artificial intelligence and big data analytics. The ITBS SCE is our homegrown integrated Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition or iSCADA that “mimic” the cognitive and intuitive functions of the human mind in learning and problem-solving. This makes our system more proactive and sensory and less reactive. It has found extensive use for Disaster, Traffic/ Transport, Building, Water and Power Management, and e-Governance.
Innovation & Leadership:
Our success to date is largely attributable to three factors: our innovative approach to Human Capital Development; successful commercialization of our internally funded R&D portfolio; and our ability to deploy world class end-to end solutions faster, better, and cheaper than our competitors.
The typical ITBS IT engineer is hired as a fresh graduate with a technical degree from a local university. (Some are former ITBS need-based scholars.) More than just the usual report card and usual measures of intelligence however, our hiring decisions are driven by applicants’ creative imagination, intellectual curiosity, and a genuine fascination with leading edge technology. They are young theorists and dreamers motivated primarily by the opportunity for intellectual exploration. Guided by ITBS’ like-minded Founder & CEO John Paul M. Miranda or JP, the ITBS Imagineers, are the company’s most important resource. The esteemed genius Albert Einstein said it succinctly, “Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we now know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world, and all there ever will be to know and understand.”
Although ITBS competitors are generally larger multinational companies, they are often hindered by their size and myopic over specialization. They expect clients to force-fit their problems into inflexible “solutions.” It is not unusual, for example for clients to become frustrated by a slow, tedious, expensive process involving multiple vendors, resulting in total dependence on costly external consultants with little accountability.
We do things differently. We conduct on-site research and develop working solutions for clients at our own expense. Clients trust our ability to execute because we provide them with an actual demonstration of working prototypes (not just theories and promises about how their system “should” work) before they award us their business. The market sees value in ITBS acting as a single point of contact, taking complete and total responsibility for successful project implementation on-time, and within-budget. This allows us to develop a system from the initial idea to its finished product within a relatively short period of time. This short time-to-market (TTM) development process underscores the company’s innovativeness, creativity and inventiveness.
In an ever-evolving technological environment and the growing complexity of the world we live in not least of which is the deadly pandemic we all face, a short TTM will allow people to respond appropriately and in a timely life-saving fashion.
As an entrepreneur with an extensive IT background, JP continues to identify a need and turn it into an opportunity. He continues to build an organization that provides a solution: rapid deployment of fully integrated, world-class, end-to-end solutions tailored to each client’s particular needs. We are confident that our pipeline of home-grown innovations will result in continued growth in the present year and beyond.
Other examples of ITBS R&D portfolio include:

Artificial Intelligence Checkpoint Solutions (Ai Gates)

Airport Ground Operation Monitoring Solutions- Aircraft Security, Traffic Monitoring, and Bird Deterrent System

Behavioral Analysis And Transportation Management Solutions (BAATMANS)

Disaster Management System with Artificial Intelligence (Ai DMS)

Energy Management System with Artificial Intelligence (Ai EMS)

Distribution Utility Management System with Artificial Intelligence (Ai DUMS)
Smart Country Ecosystem
The ITBS-SCE is a homegrown, proudly-Filipino system duly copyrighted by the Intellectual Property Office (IPO) Philippines under Certificate No. N-2020-00334. It is a product of over a decade of extensive research and development.
Our ITBS-SCE consists of end-to-end solutions that combine a robust telemetry for connectivity, the ubiquitous Internet-of-Things (IoT) for field instruments and sensors and the ITBS-SCE which is at the heart of the system. It is imbued with artificial intelligence thru a combination of machine learning, machine visioning, big data analytics, and blockchain technology to “mimic” the cognitive and intuitive functions of the human mind in learning and problem-solving, thus, allowing it to be more proactive and sensory and less reactive. When implemented, it shall address the growing complexities in governance associated with urbanization. This reality became even more apparent during the pandemic and the need to leap-frog to the 4th industrial revolution of “smart” governance became more urgent.
Within its ecosystem are the various systems integrated into the iSCADA platform. This includes, among others, systems related to public safety management, transport management, building management, utility grid and distribution management, government administration and disaster management. At the core of the ecosystem is the electronic know-your-citizen (eKYC) database which makes management of the different systems more efficient and the delivery of service more precise.
With the onset of the pandemic which gave rise to the “new normal” of social distancing and virtual transactions, the relevance of the ITBS SCE in smart e-governance, in getting to know-your-citizen, in contact tracing, medical self-assessment and telemedicine, in addressing the thematic areas of disaster and in jumpstarting the economy, to name a few, has never been more propitious and timely. This allows local government units, with the aid of Ai and big data analytics, to provide and deliver services remotely for its constituents, predict and address the onset of a disaster, and provide its constituents a platform to jumpstart businesses, among others.